What Is The Intra – Company Transferee (ICT) Program?

The intra-company category permits international companies to temporarily transfer qualified business and employees to Canada for the purpose of improving management effectiveness, expanding Canadian exports, and enhancing competitiveness in overseas markets.

Relocating your existing company abroad can be both challenging and rewarding. If you’re thinking about expanding your business in Canada, the team at Second Passport Incubator can help you move your existing company to Canada.

Advantages of ICT

  • No minimum investment
  • Permanent Residence is non-compulsory
  • Spouse and applicants may accompany applicant to immigrate to Canada
  • 12 – 18 months processing time

Who Can Move Their Business To Canada?

Intra-company transferees may transfer their business to Canada under the general provision if:

  • The company have the financial ability to commence business in Canada and compensate employees
  • The company must furnish realistic plans to staff the new operation
  • The company has its own registered office in Canada
  • Comply with the step “Meeting The Intra – Company Transferee Program Requirements” below

How Can Move Their Business To Canada?

Meet Requirements

Establish your company in Canada

Apply Work Permit

Arrive and begin working in Canada

Apply Permanent Residence

Become A Canadian Citizen

Step 1: Meeting The Intra – Company Transferee Program Requirements

Frankly speaking, not all business owners can move their companies to Canada and to be eligible you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Your company in your home country must be active, selling, or providing services at the moment.
  • Your company must be at least 1 year old. The older the company, the better it is.
  • At least one employee should be hired by the company. The more employee, the better it is
  • While there is no minimum amount to operate a business in Canada, at least $100,000 should be present to sustain the business.
  • The company should be officially incorporated or registered in the home country, with a complete tax payment record, and has its own registered office.

Besides, not every person from your company or business group can migrate to work in Canada. The owner of the company, executives, supervisors, and key staff individuals can migrate to work in Canada.

  • Executives must demonstrate inclusion/work in the company for at least one year in the last three years;
  • Managers must show at least one year of work in the last three years with the home company and their administrative job;
  • Key personnel should demonstrate at least one-year work with the home company; appropriate training, industry mastery and exclusive information;

Step 2: Establishing Your Company in Canada

  • Choose a Canadian province where you wish to do business; Most provinces require that you have at least 1 Canadian director on your board of directors;
  • Canadian director(s) – could be a nominee director or a full-fledged director who is responsible and are answerable for managing your Canadian operations.
  • If you don’t have someone who can act as your Canadian Director, it is recommended that you get your Canadian law firm’s guidance on this issue.

Step 3: Apply Work Permit

  • Once you have your company registered in Canada and have finished every single other step, you can apply for a work permit to work at your newly established Canadian company.
  • Initial work permits are generally given for one year. Your spouse/partner and children under 22 can go with you to Canada.

Step 4: Arrive And Begin Working In Canada

Once your work permit application is approved, you will be issued a work visa to travel to Canada (depending on your citizenship). The work permit document will be issued at the port of entry upon your arrival to Canada;

At the end of your first year in Canada, you must demonstrate to the Canadian immigration authorities three things to extend your work permit:

  • You have a genuine business and your business is actively selling goods or services in Canada.
  • You have a physical office and presence in Canada.
  • You should have at least 1 Canadian citizen or permanent resident employee working for your company.

Step 5: Apply Permanent Residence

In general, your business must be “active” before you can apply for permanent residence, which means the following features:

  • The company is actively selling goods or services to actual customers
  • The company has all licenses and permits necessary to operate in Canada;
  • The company has a physical location and presence within Canada; and,
  • The company has at least one Canadian employee apart from you and who is not related to you.

Step 6: Become A Canadian Citizen

Once you become a permanent resident of Canada, and after having lived in Canada for 1095 days, you can apply for Canadian citizenship. In order to become a Canadian citizen, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a permanent resident of Canada
  • Have physically spent 1095 days in the last 5 years in Canada
  • Have filed your annual income tax returns for the past 3 years
  • Pass a basic test on your rights, responsibilities and knowledge of Canada
  • Prove your basic language skills

Get Experienced Advice Before You Apply For Intra – Company Transferee Program

Second Passport Incubator team can help you move your business to Canada together with your family and business partners. You can focus on your business and we focus on your permanent residence in Canada. Email us or book a consultation to work with an immigration lawyer today!

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